School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of Kelvin Hall and setting the appropriate tone. In common with most schools in England, we have a school uniform and rules on appearance that we require all students to follow.

We believe that the wearing of a uniform:
instils pride;
supports positive behaviour and discipline;
encourages school ethos and identity;
ensures all students are included and feel welcome;
protects children from social pressures to dress in a particular way;
promotes good relationships.
Above all, we believe that school uniform indicates a student’s readiness for work and therefore supports effective teaching and learning.
Uniform - Required Items
Please find below a detailed description of our uniform:
- White embroidered polo shirt OR plain white polo shirt (required)
- Black embroidered jumper OR black embroidered cardigan OR black embroidered v-neck (required if your child wishes to wear a jumper)
- Plain black trousers OR black tailored shorts OR knee-length, straight skirt (required)
- Plain black formal shoes (required)
Our PE kit is the following:
- Jade embroidered t-shirt OR jade embroidered polo shirt (required)
- Plain black shadow-striped shorts OR plain black full-length thick lycra sports leggings (required)
Please refer to our Uniform Requirements for more information and details on the quality of each item (e.g. no flared skirts, no branded shoes, etc...)
PE Kit
All students must wear a Kelvin Hall PE top, this can be a jade t-shirt or a polo shirt with the school logo. Students must wear plain black shadow stripe shorts or plain black, full-length, thick lycra sports leggings (small logo acceptable). Students must have a pair of trainers to change into however, trainers must not be worn to any other lessons.
Students can also wear additional items for outdoor lessons such as a plain, black rain jacket or plain jogging bottoms. These are available from the school's uniform providers but are not required.
Students must not arrive at school wearing PE kit if they have their PE lesson period 1.

Uniform is available through the school’s website where there is a link to APC Clothing and Rawcliffes Schoolwear, based in Hull City Centre. APC attend Induction Evening and visit the school each term so that uniform can be checked for size and ordered. There is a link to both on the school’s website, but if you have any questions please contact your child’s Pastoral Year Leader.
Official school uniform items are available from the following authorised school uniform suppliers:
APC Clothing Ltd,
Unit 6a Guardian Park, Station Road Industrial Estate, Tadcaster, North Yorkshire LS24 9SG
Tel: 01937 833449 Email: sales@apc-clothing.co.uk
Rawcliffes Schoolwear,
9 Paragon Street, Hull, HU1 3RJ
Usually in stock at school - sweatshirts, polo shirts, and PE kit.
Please note…
When purchasing from APC Clothing, please quote reference: khfreepost at the checkout when you order online, ensuring that the student’s name and Year Group are entered in the delivery options section when completing the form. This will ensure the uniform is delivered to school free of charge. Students can collect a guidance leaflet and order form in school from Student Services. Any returns can be made free of charge by bringing incorrect items to Reception.
The school has worked to ensure that all items of uniform are as affordable as possible. Parents who have difficulty affording the uniform can call the school and talk to the Year Leader.