Piştgiriya Îmtîhanê
At Kelvin Hall School, we work hard to prepare all of our pupils for their exams and help them to achieve their full potential.
In order for us to do this, pupils must also work hard and be aware of what is expected of them when they come to sit an exam.
This page sets out some of the upcoming exam dates and important information that pupils will need in order to succeed.
For more information about exams, please call Mrs Comez, Data & Examinations Manager, on (01482) 342229 or you can email at exams@kelvinhall.net
Exam Newsletter 2024/2025
Our Exam newsletter is now available for you to read through. It is an essential document for parents, carers, and students, detailing key information regarding exams such as rules, regulations, and provisional dates for exam series and mock exam series. This document MUST be read by all students and their parents/carers.
Post-Results 2024
Results Day was on Thursday 22nd August 2024. Please find below a comprehensive guide regarding examination results received by students at Kelvin Hall School. You will find therein information on:
- Notification of results
- Statements of results
- Reviews of marking
- Certificates
JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) Information for Students
Please follow the below links for important information that all students MUST follow.
Students should also familiarise themselves with the following guidance on the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in examinations.
Summer GCSE & Vocational Exam Series 2025
The exam boards have released dates for the Summer GCSE/Vocational exam series. The timetable, showing all possible Year 11 exams, incl. BTEC/CNAT exams, is available here.
Year 10 students may be entered for their vocational exams during the Summer season. Students will be made aware by their subject lead if this is the case.
There are two contingency half-days and one contingency day scheduled on the Summer timetable. These have been introduced by the Government in case there is a major disruption/incident across the country that would prevent students taking part in an exam on its scheduled date. All students must be available to take exams up to and including these dates. These dates are the 11th of June for the contingency half-day, and the 25th of June for the full day.
A newsletter containing exam information, rules and regulations (which MUST be read) is available at the top of this page.
Vocational Exams - January/February 2025
From the 9th of January to the 15th of January 2025, a real vocational exam season will take place. Year 11 students who study a BTEC or Cambridge National subject may have an exam during this time. The confirmed timetable is available here so students can check whether they will be taking part in this series.
These are real exams that will contribute to a student's final grade in their BTEC or Cambridge National subject.
Mock Exam Season 2024/2025
All Year 11 students will participate in 2 mock exam seasons this academic year.
The first exam season will take place from the 14th of October to the 25th of October. This is a shorter season, and not all subjects are completing a mock.
The second mock season will be from the 27th of January to the 14th of February. This will be a full season: students will complete a mock in all their subjects. The timetable for this mock season is available here.
YEAR 7-10
Year 10 Vocational Assessments
Throughout the year, Year 10 students studying a BTEC or Cambridge National subject will complete some units of assessments which will contribute to their overall final grade in the subject.
End of Year Exams - Year 7 to Year 10 2025
Towards the end of the Summer term, there will be End of Year (EOY) exams for all Year 7 - 10 students. These are provisionally scheduled between the 19th of June and the 4th of July 2025. These EOY exams give all students a chance to familiarise themselves with proper exam rules and the behaviours expected of them when sitting formal assessments. The EOY exams will either take place in the examination halls or student classrooms.
Useful Guides for Parents & Students
Please see attached guides produced by TheParentsGuide.co.uk which we think you may find helpful in the build up to the exam season.
Li Dibistana Kelvin Hall, em pir dixebitin ku hemî şagirtên xwe ji azmûnên xwe re amade bikin û ji wan re bibin alîkar ku bigihîjin potansiyela xwe ya tevahî.
Ji bo ku em vê yekê bikin, divê şagirt jî bi xîret bixebitin û haya wan jê hebe ku dema hatin îmtîhanê çi ji wan tê hêvî kirin.
Ev rûpel hin tarîxên azmûnê yên pêşeroj û agahdariyên girîng ên ku xwendekar ji bo serketinê hewce ne diyar dike.
Ji bo bêtir agahdarî di derbarê îmtîhanan de, ji kerema xwe bi Xanim Comez, Rêvebira Dane û Ezmûnan re, li ser (01482) 342229 telefon bikin an hûn dikarin li ser e-nameyê bişînin. comezt@thrivetrust.uk
Ezmûnên Mock 2021
Ji kerema xwe lînkê bişopînin da ku nameyek ji Serekê Dibistanê di derbarê Ezmûnên Mock de ku di demsala Zivistanê de li Dibistana Kelvin Hall pêk hatin bixwînin.
Nûçenameya Îmtîhanê û Dîrokên Îmtîhanê
Ji kerema xwe lînka ji bo tarîxên azmûnên pêşeroj ên ji bo xwendekarên Sala 11-ê heyî bişopînin. Belge hemî demsalên azmûnê yên ku heya niha tarîxên me hene dihewîne. Di heman demê de, ji bo agahdariya we, hûn ê rêgez û rêzikên ku ji hêla JCQ ve hatî destnîşan kirin bibînin. Ev rêzikên, divê ji aliyê hemû xwendekar û dibistanê li pey wî bê. Ji kerema xwe piştrast bikin ku hûn hemî agahdarî bixwînin.
Roja Encamên Îmtîhanê 2022
Sala 11-an Xwendekar dê îmtîhanên xwe yên GCSE û Pîşeyî roja Pêncşemê 25-ê Tebaxa 2022-an berhev bikin. Amadekariyên rojê dê li ser vê rûpelê nêzîkê vê tarîxê bêne peyda kirin.
Xwendekarên Sala 10-an dê encamên xwe yên GCSE-ya Englishngilîzî tenê roja Pêncşemê 25-ê Tebaxa 2022-an piştî demjimêr 13-an bi e-nameyê bistînin.
Pelên Agahdariya Dêûbavan - Kurs û Îmtîhan
Ji kerema xwe lînkê bişopînin da ku hûn bigihîjin Agahdariya Dêûbavan. Ev ê di derbarê qurs û muayeneyên zarokê we de hemî agahdariya pêwîst û têkildar agahdar bike.
Rêbernameyên Kêrhatî ji bo Dêûbav û Xwendekaran
Ji kerema xwe rêberên pêvekirî yên ku ji hêla hatine çêkirin bibînin TheParentsGuide.co.uk ya ku em difikirin ku hûn dikarin di avakirina heyama azmûnê de arîkar bibînin.
Serxwebûna Kelvin
Ji bo li vir bikirtînin Malpera Kelvin Independence.
Sertîfîka bi gelemperî di meha Mijdarê de piştî ku ew azmûnên xwe di Havînê de derbas dikin ji xwendekaran re peyda dibin.
Em ê nêzîkê wextê bi we re têkilî daynin da ku berhevkirina sertîfîkayên we saz bikin.
Sertîfîkayên we pir bi qîmet in û divê her dem bi ewle werin parastin. Ger hûn wan winda bikin, hûn ê ji hêla saziyên xelatgir ve ji bo veguheztin an danezana encaman, kîjan ku panel peyda dike, werin barkirin. Ew hemî Sertîfîkayên veguheztinê naşînin. Hûn ê ji bo her lêgerîna ku hûn ji her yek ji Lijneyan daxwaz dikin were xerc kirin. Biha ji panelê heya panelê diguhere.
Ji kerema xwe lînka jêrîn bikar bînin ku ji bo veguheztinê serlêdan bikin: http://ofqual.gov.uk/help-and-advice/getting-a-replacement-certificate/
Salên 9, 10 û 11 yên herî girîng in ...
Salên 9, 10 û 11 salên herî girîng ên pêşkeftina weya akademîk in û bingehek ji bo kariyera weya pêşerojê û daxwazên we datînin. Ji kerema xwe, vê qonaxa girîng a pêşveçûna xwe winda nekin.
Pêşkêşiyê hembêz bikin, di polê de baldar bin, qursan rast amade bikin, lêkolînên xwe bi rêkûpêk ji nû ve bişopînin û bi pêbawerî azmûnên xwe rûnin.
Tiştek mîna hesta ku hûn bi dest ketine û hûn dikarin bi planên jiyana xwe pêşde biçin tune. Hêvîdarim ku gava dor tê roja encamên azmûna weya GCSE, hûn ê bibin yek ji wan gelek şagirtên ku piştî wergirtina encamên ku hûn bi rastî heq dikin bi îlham û serbilindiyê tije bibin.
Serkeftin ji we hemûyan re!