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Şêwirmendiya Tenduristiya Derûnî û Xweş










Em bi kêfxweşî radigihînin ku, ji Îlona 2021-an pê ve, em ê xwedî Koordînatorek Werhatinê ya nû be ku beşdarî Tîma Pastoral bibe. Miss Dunn, ku berê Karmenda Piştgiriya Behaviorê li Y10-ê bû, dê bi Xanim Counter re bixebite da ku bêtir piştgirî bide xwendekaran di tenduristiya giyanî û xweşiya wan de. Xanim Counter dê li seranserê dibistanê wekî Rêbera meya Xweseriya Tayinkirî rolek nû, berfireh bigire ser xwe. Xanim Counter dê di rola xwe ya nû de piştgirî bide xwendekar, dêûbav û karmendan.


Hem Miss Dunn û hem jî Xanim Counter dê ji bo piştgirîkirina xwendekarên naskirî bi xebata komê an 1: 1 re peyda bibin. Ger hewce be, ew ê ji ajansên derveyî yên wekî HeadStart, Mind an CAMHS re jî seferan bikin. Heke hûn dixwazin bi Miss Dunn an jî Xanim Counter re biaxivin, ji kerema xwe di demjimêrên dibistanê de li dibistanê bi 01482 342229 re telefon bikin û ew ê kêfxweş bibin ku alîkariya we bikin.











Xanim Counter         Xanim Dunn


Biserre  Agahî

Hefteya tenduristiya derûnî ya zarokan

Serişteyên sereke yên ji bo birêvebirina xweşbûna xwe di dema lênihêrînê de!

Serişteyên jorîn ên ku ji bo birêvebirina stresê dibin alîkar

MIND Ji Bo Tenduristiya Derûnî ya Baştir - Piştgiriyek Pêdivî ye?

Çawa yî? - Çavkaniyên Tenduristiya Derûnî û Xweşiya Ciwanan

As a qualified Senior Mental Health Lead, Mrs Counter has a more strategic role in school, with responsibility for the mental health and wellbeing of students, parents and staff. She works with students with moderate to high needs, and liaises with external agencies to provide support where needed. 


Having gained experience in school as a Student Support Officer, Mrs Cooper joined the Wellbeing Team in 2023. Mrs Cooper's role involves working with both individuals and groups of students to provide low-level mental health and wellbeing support as needed. She works closely with our younger students to support their transition and to identify and address any issues as soon as possible. 


Students are referred to the Wellbeing Team by the Pastoral Team. All students who are referred are then seen by Mrs Counter for a “triage” appointment to assess the level of need. Mrs Counter and Mrs Cooper will then support identified students either through group or 1:1 work. Where necessary, they also make referrals to external agencies such as Thrive Hull (formerly HeadStart), Mind or CAMHS. If you would like to speak to either Mrs Counter or Mrs Cooper, please call the school on 01482 342229 during school hours and they will be happy to help you.

Support available in school with the Wellbeing Team:


  • Triage appointments with Mrs Counter (referral needed)

  • 1:1 appointments (following a referral)

  • Drop in sessions (open to all students)

  • Targeted group sessions on subjects including: Navigating School, Coping with Loss, Coping with Emotions, Body Positivity, Worry Management, Smooth Start (transition), Chat & Chill (social skills), Getting to Know You (friendship skills) and Mindfulness skills

  • Wellbeing Welcome - before school drop ins for students feeling anxious about the day


Support available in school from External Agencies:


  • Weekly lunchtime drop ins with Turn 2 Us youth workers (Wednesdays)

  • Appointments with the School Nurse (referral needed)

  • 1:1 sessions with Advotalk, Life Skills Hub, Emotional Resilience Coaches, Mind or CAMHS (referral needed)

  • Engaging Through Music groups

Wellbeing 1
Wellbeing 2
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