The LRC (Library and Resource Centre) welcomes students during school break times and after school. Our Library is inviting, quiet, safe, and calm; an area in the school where you can read and relax on comfy seats, study, or take advantage of the computers to complete homework and do research for school work. Year 7 and Year 8 pupils can take their Accelerated Reading Quizzes in their time in their Library.
The LRC has a "No phone, no food, no drinks" policy, and noise is kept to a minimum. This contributes to making the Library an enjoyable place to be.
If you have any thoughts, ideas, or requests on the range of stock, please come see Miss Wilkinson, Kelvin Hall School's LRC Coordinator and Librarian.
The Library
The Library offers access to around 4,000 items on the shelves. It offers a wide range of literary genres, including, but not limited to:
- Fiction and all subsequent genres;
- Non-fiction;
- Literary classics;
- Manga & Graphic Novels;
- Audiobooks (CDs & mp3 playaways);
- Dictionaries & encyclopedias;
- Revision guides for GCSE;
- Teen "Shelf" Help Book and Wellbeing Guides;
- Careers guides, inc. college and university prospectuses.
You will also have access to Hull City Libraries material, including:
- DVDs and CDs;
- Audiobooks;
- Language courses;
- Music Scores.

Comfortable sofas galore, and a working area with tables and cushioned chairs.

Shelves on the side, and book highlights on the carrousels.
You can also access the Borrow Box, a free online eBook loan system, accessible through an app that you can download to your devices.
In addition, you can make use of the Reservation Service for items that are on the Hull Libraries catalogue but not in Kelvin Hall School.
Taking & Returning Books
Kelvin Hall School's pupils can take 1 book home. They will then have 3 weeks to read it - the due back date is always stamped on the Date Label in the front of the book! Should they need more time, pupils are welcome to come in the Library and ask for their loan to be extended. Please return the book in the condition it was issued to you.
Please be aware that the Library can only give out 1 book at a time. As such, you need to make sure you return any book in your care, before being able to take a new one out.
A selection of books are marked "UY", which stands for "Upper Years". Year 7 and Year 8 pupils who wish to borrow Upper Years books will need to have completed a parental consent form first. The forms are available in the Library.

Four computers are available for use by pupils, during break time, lunch, and after school.