We’ve nearly made it to the end of our Autumn term and our final edition of the Extra Mile Blog for 2022 is a chance to shout about those students who have gone above and beyond in their lessons (and beyond!). During Focus Group time next week, Celebration Assemblies will be taking place; these assemblies are the perfect chance to reflect on our own achievements, to celebrate those who have gone the extra mile in achieving positive points in each of our core values of hard work, respect and independence, and to give out a range of rewards.

As we begin another half-term at Kelvin, we’ve already had masses to celebrate with our students. Five focus groups across the school have celebrated with pizza parties - a reward for winning our half-termly attendance competitions. We have handed out over 10 Extra Mile postcards since returning to school and students have collected over 2,400 positive points in each subject and around the school in the past week.
We have so much to look forward to and celebrate in the near future - including our next round of Kelvin Experiences!

Jacob, Y7 is our first recipient of an Extra Mile postcard in this blog post - our leadership team were incredibly impressed when he successfully explained the formation of headlands and bays to the class with some superb vocabulary. It was a GCSE standard of explanation without a doubt and this is a reflection of Jacob’s outstanding development of verbal responses in class too.ch to look forward to and celebrate in the near future - including our next round of Kelvin Experiences!

We are always incredibly keen to reward those students who go above and beyond outside of the classroom too and the following are excellent examples of such. Grace, Poppy and Tilly have all been recognised for their excellent representation of the school community when with external school visitors. Meanwhile Daniel, Rose, and Lucy have also received a joint Extra Mile postcard for support at our recent Parents’ Evenings, working on the front desk and helping parents to their appointments around the school building.

Rose has been recognised for going above and beyond in Science, achieving an Extra Mile postcard for a brilliant plant cell model which she created. The cell included detailed description of each part of the cell and their roles too - well done Rose, it looks superb.
Tilly has also been awarded an extra mile postcard for her amazing work in Maths. Through accurate calculations of the area of varying circles, Tilly has shown both hard work and independence to produce this excellent work in her Maths book. Fantastic mathematics!

Without a doubt, an extra mile postcard has been deserved by Harry. Harry performed the Last Post on Remembrance Day for the whole school as part of our in school 2 minutes silence. This was clearly a very challenging task, but executed with flair and professionalism. Well done, thank you and congratulations.
In Year 8, Martin, Harry, Ella, Owen, Eden, and Charlie have all been awarded an extra mile postcard for their excellent effort with their art portraits, going 'above and beyond' to show excellent skill and independence!
The students have worked tremendously hard throughout the summer term, with achievements, not only academically, but also in Performing Arts, the Arts, Sport and in other areas of extracurricular activities.
All of this hard work and commitment has been celebrated in Term 6 with our End of Year Celebration Assemblies. This has given the school the opportunity to congratulate the students that have excelled in our core values of Hard Work, Respect and Independence, across all of the subject areas.

Well done to Scarlet G for going the Extra Mile and creating such fantastic resources for STEM. Scarlet is passionate about space and has received recognition from an external STEM competition for her great work. For this, Scarlet was awarded a package of goodies including a book on her favourite subject.
Keep up the great work, from Mr Suddaby and Miss Schimmel!

Well done to all the students that have achieved Extra Mile recognition, Celebration Awards, or any other achievements here at Kelvin Hall School.

Adelina S and Ellie S have been producing outstanding work throughout the term - their attitude towards Arts is fantastic, and they continue to model top class artwork to the rest of the group!
Special mention must go to Chloe B for her fantastic artwork and presentation, with an important eco theme!

Jacob B impressed our Leadership Team when he successfully explained the formation of headlands and bays to the class, with some superb vocabulary! It was a GCSE standard of explanation without a doubt, and this is a reflection on Jacob's outstanding development of verbal responses in class, too!
Jiane J has excelled in multiple subjects this year, and has been awarded End of Year Certification for these! It was a pleasure to walk into Maths, and see her delivering to the whole group, with great understanding and confidence! A star in the making - Mr Suddaby

As we begin another half-term at Kelvin, we’ve already had masses to celebrate with our students. Five focus groups across the school have celebrated with pizza parties - a reward for winning our half-termly attendance competitions. We have handed out over 10 Extra Mile postcards since returning to school and students have collected over 2,400 positive points in each subject and around the school in the past week.We have so much to look forward to and celebrate in the near future - including our next round of Kelvin Experiences!
Golden tickets will be given to over 200 pupils during the week beginning 5th December. Three different activities have been planned and students will have the opportunity to attend:
- a gaming workshop;
- a pottery painting session with ‘Tea and Bisque-It’;
- the chance to attend our Winter Cinema Club with hot chocolate, snacks and a Christmas film.

Our November edition of the Extra Mile Blog celebrates our biggest number of students yet. A special mention must go to the 17 students who have qualified for the Humberside round of the Cross Country Championship:
Year 7: Lennon, Amelia, Bradley, Oliver, Liam.
Year 8: Maria, Reuben, Samuel.
Year 9: Trent, Will, Esmae, Lilly.
Year 10: Lizzy, Dallas, Rose, Olivia, Edward.
All students featured in the blog receive both an ‘Extra Mile Postcard’ and 4 points towards their total. All points go towards a Golden Ticket and attendance at Kelvin Experiences.
Multiple Extra Mile postcards have been handed out in the Art department over the past 3 weeks. Elyse achieved a postcard for her outstanding work in Art. She has shown critical evaluation skills when studying the fashion of Princess Diana and blew away SLT and the Art department with this work.
Meanwhile, Italia and Samuel also achieved a postcard for their outstanding effort and success in blending both creativity and social issues.

Grace impressed equally with her enthusiasm and commitment in producing independent work mixing dark and beautiful themes.
Finally, Jessica achieved an Extra Mile postcard within Art for her hard work in blending science and creativity together.
And finally, congratulations to a group of Year 7 pupils who have made a fantastic start to Year 7 RE, demonstrating excellence in independence. Xav, Leo, Archie and Filip have gone above and beyond within their "Places of worship" homework - well done!

Harriet and Saja have gone above and beyond in a recent Science lesson. When given the opportunity to dissect a heart, they jumped at the chance! They both showed great maturity and independence in their approach to the activity.

A big "Well done!" to Harry in Year 7 who has shown brilliance in his verbal contributions in Science. He articulated how stomach medications can neutralise stomach acid expertly - a fantastic effort!
What a fantastic half term it has been. We’ve celebrated success across the school - from spot prizes for pupils who have received recent ‘gold’ rewards, to 100% attendance Hull Fair hampers. During this week, we even saw the hand out of our first Golden Tickets - awarded to the students who have achieved the highest number of positive points since we returned to school in September.
This edition of Extra Mile Blog continues to celebrate some of our incredible students and their achievements over the past two weeks. I’m thrilled to see both our long-standing Y11 and new Y7 students be recognised for going above and beyond in varying areas of our curriculum. A reminder that all pupils featured in the blog receive an Extra Mile postcard to celebrate their achievements, along with 5 points to go towards their total for the year.

Aaron and Ismail have both celebrated success in their first half term of Geography - they’ve excelled within their Map Skills, demonstrating confidence and hard work in utilising OS map symbols, direction, scale and even in the use of contours. This is building a great foundation for success in the subject, well done!
Preston, Lara and Marty worked exceptionally hard during a recent Science practical lesson. Together, they worked to explore the use of acid and filter paper to produce salts. Well done to you all - you showed brilliant team work, hard work, independence and respect for the classroom during this investigation.

A massive well done to Scarlett who received an Extra Mile postcard for supporting staff and students in preparing for learning. Scarlett arrived at a recent lesson early from lunch to help Ms Dearing set up the room with chromebooks ready for their re-roomed technology lesson. Scarlett showed excellent support for her peers throughout the lesson whilst also working to the best of her ability.

Lucy has blown the Art Department and our leadership team away with her commitment and independence within GCSE Art and Design. She made a choice to take her Natural Forms work from Year 9 home to entirely re-design. She used both watercolour and acrylic paint to create a stunning pond landscape which also holds strong links with her GCSE Geography course. Her independence and hard work cannot be ignored - outstanding work!

Welcome to the first edition of Kelvin Hall's "Extra Mile" blog!
This will be a showcase of pupils and their efforts across the curriculum which demonstrates those who have gone "above and beyond" in excelling in a subject area. All pupils featured in the blog receive an Extra Mile postcard to celebrate their achievements.

Evie in Year 7 has made a phenomenal start to the year in Science! She successfully completed her first science practical to turn Iron and Sulfur into Iron Sulfide. This was her first compound made!
Alfie in Year 8 received an Extra Mile postcard for demonstrating outstanding independence in his food technology class. Not only did he produce a great meatball dish, but he also was asking and answering questions. Well done, Alfie!

Lexi, in Year 8, has amazed her Languages teacher after achieving full marks on her French vocabulary test, showing independence that she had learnt the new vocabulary in her own time. Her work was presented beautifully in her book representing her hard work during this lesson. Superb demonstration of the Kelvin Hall Values.

Miley, Ruby, Katie and Fiesta celebrated 4 Extra Mile postcards for their exceptional development of group work in English. The girls worked collaboratively to investigate the suspects linked to criminal activity in Victorian England. Through excellent use of comprehension skills, they created a brilliant summary of Jack the Ripper.
Future detectives in the making!