Learning Support
The Learning Support Department works with pupils throughout the school who have additional needs. This includes any learning, physical or medical needs.
Agencies are involved with some pupils as partners in supporting pupils and parents.
Staff in the department regularly contact parents and also involve them as active partners in the learning and pastoral support their child receives.
A number of pupils receive support with literacy to help them access the curriculum and pupils make progress and gain in confidence through these sessions. The packages used include: Rainbow Reading and as well as numerous phonics and literacy activities.
There is a provision for pupils who have English as an Additional Language (EAL). This operates as intervention by withdrawing pupils from specific classes to work in small groups of a similar ability.
The Personalised Learning Department provides supportive intervention for a small number of pupils by adjusting the curriculum offer and also by engaging with education providers across the city. This is always in consultation with parents and supports our ethos of inclusion, where we seek to support every child according to their needs.